Friday, June 18, 2010

New Blog to Follow: SPA Diaries

It's a SPA day!
[click to be taken to the blog]

Hey everyone!
We (5 of us, soon to be 6) have kicked off our new blog "SPA Diaries" today. Each of the author's will be focusing on a different topic and will post on a specific day. You can choose which topics you would like to follow/participate in. For now we have our get to know the bloggers up and ready to be read. Next Monday will be the kick-off of the lessons.

My study will focus on Fireproofing Your Marriage, it doesn't matter to me if you're engaged or have been married for years, everyone can learn from this study. I hope you will check us out, and find a topic you would like to follow!

1 comment:

I love hearing from you all! =)