Alright, so the party was over a week and a half ago... but I finally got all of the picture together! [please remember- click on all photos to view them in higher resolution!]The invitation:

Top Right: Close-up on the cupcakes Amy & I made
Bottom Left: Pacifier necklaces for "no baby" game
Bottom Right: Eggs & Chicks lining the path to my door...

Top Right: "Mom to be seat"
Bottom Left: Front entry
Bottom Right: Gift & Dessert Table

Top Left: "Take" Banner over the guest's goodie bags
Top Right: Cupcake Game (find the chick in yours and you win!)
Bottom Left: Food Station
Bottom Right: We've seen this before... oops.

Top Right: Homemade Lollipop Bouquet
Bottom Left: Egg Garland on Stairs
Bottom Right: Goodie Bags for guests (Bird Nests & jelly beans)

Top Right: Up close and personal with chocolate goodness
Bottom Left: Better angle of the goodie bag tray
Bottom Right: Drink Station! (and my tiny kitchen-ignore)
I bet you're asking how she liked my gift...

So, that's it folks. I would love to run a small party planning business... maybe some day!
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Click to view other parties for ideas & inspiration!