Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight Savings

Actual event from this morning:

*Yawn-glance at clock * ...oh good it's only 9:20am, church doesn't start until 11am.
Grab cell phone* ...what?! 10:20am?! Oh crap, that daylight savings thing was today.
*nudge Q * ...get up, get up, we're going to be late for church!
he glances at clock * ...huh? ...look at your phone! Daylight savings time started today.*commence rush to get ready*

Oh how I miss my Arizona Mountain Standard Time. None of this silly changing your clocks forward and backward. ;-p

In other news, we had a very successful surprise baby shower for Karen. I can't believe she's leaving for Hawaii in 15 days, closely followed by Vanessa, then Isabel, then Ruth. I hope we get some nice girls from this upcoming transfer season.

Other Tay (AZ friend) comes tomorrow night, well I guess it's actually super early Tuesday morning. We have rearranged the 2nd room for her already. I am so excited for her to be able to spend her spring break here with her fiance (he's in the Navy) prior to their wedding. AND of course have some Tay time as well!

I got this in the mail yesterday:I think Amanda is going to love it, I'm giving it as her baby shower gift along with a matching burp rag (among other baby necessities!). Speaking of Amanda... the details of her baby shower are coming along nicely, just a few more touches, a quick trip to the dollar store, half a day of baking, and rearranging the furniture downstairs and it'll work great! Haha.

It's going to be a busy week...

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