Friday, June 3, 2011

Bad Joke

I seriously thought this PCS nightmare was almost over, almost.

We are suppose to move into our temporary apartment tomorrow...

  • It's almost 3pm and I don't have the keys yet nor heard from the landlord
  • The electric company still hasn't been notified
  • TMO/DMO doesn't deliver on the weekends
  • I still haven't told the front desk we're checking out tomorrow (2 days early) because TLA won't pay for the room since our move-in day on the lease is listed as the 4th
  • I need to confirm TMO/DMO is delivering on Monday
  • I need to change our TLA appt
Icing on the cake- Hubby just found out he has 24hr duty TOMORROW & starts a training course that he can't get out of on Monday.

Looks like I'm sleeping on the floor alone.

I'm so frustrated and annoyed right now.
It's a good thing we don't have kids. =/

Please pray for me... it's going to be a long 3 days...


  1. Oh good heavens... sounds like quite the journey! Hopefully it will all work out and you'll still have some semblance of sanity!

  2. Would you like to borrow an air mattress? I have one that we're not using if you'd rather not sleep on the floor until you get your HHG. =) Let me know!

    Oh, and moving to Hawaii is quite an adventure for everyone I think. Well, everyone who's not an officer because CLEARLY their lives are more important. =P

  3. Wow, praying, dear friend! Storing up those treasures in heaven!

  4. Sounds like our PCS too :-/ it was hard trying to entertain a 2 year old with just an airmattress!

  5. With OR without kids, thats a really situation. This won't be the only "frustrated" thing you'll come by. Hang tight--It'll work out!

  6. Prayers your way, I hope the next few days go alright with you!

  7. Oh no! Praying for you! Hope everything gets worked out soon!! :)

  8. Praying for you!! Hope you have another blog post soon :)


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