Friday, July 22, 2011

Still here...

Hey ladies,
I'm still here.

Sorry for the lack of posting... since I've been sick and my hubby had been working 16hr days he took the week off before his monthly 24hr duty routine. We got to spend some quality time together despite the fact that my "sickness" tried to ruin all the fun.

I was back at the doctor's this morning, evidently I fall into the "medical mystery" category. Within the next week I should be getting a new medicine to try, meeting with a counselor for stress/anxiety, and have a referral for a GI Specialist go through.

I just want to know what's going on inside of my body... it's not comfortable that's for sure!

Next week I'll catch you up on all of our fun activities, I hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. I hope meeting with the specialist goes well and you start feeling better! Thinking about you!

  2. Sorry they haven't figured it out yet. Hopefully the GI specialist can shed some light!

  3. Still praying and hoping you feel better soon, friend!

  4. Hope they can figure things out and get you back to feeling well.

  5. Hi there! My name is Sarah and I read your guest post over at The Life of an Army Wife and really enjoyed your post! So, I thought I'd introduce myself! I hope you get to feeling better and that the doctors figure out the mystery!


I love hearing from you all! =)