Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Our final adventure of my hubby's week off took us to the north shore area for a visit to the Polynesian Cultural Center. If you remember I didn't get to sleep until around 4am, the center opens at noon... but my husband felt it was necessary for me to get my sleep, and didn't wake me up until 11:15am. We left at noon, me prepared with a blanket and pillow to catch an hour nap on the drive up.

Our canoe coming in to pick us up!

Waterfall on the canoe tour.

Canoe Parade - This is Fiji

The Royal Hawaiian Court

Tongan Tree Climbers

Learning to throw spears in traditional game fashion

After our time in the center we attended the on site luau, then we attended the show "Ha: Breathe of Life." We were completely wiped out, I slept the entire hour long drive home as well... then slept 12hrs straight that night! My husband is so nice to me despite my issues as of late.

No picture stealing please!


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