I posted about TOMS Shoes... that post is still the #1 visited post overall on my blog. I had to call the cops over a domestic dispute. I had to give away my babies... We experienced many PCS woes and trials.
TMO came and went and I moved home for a month and a half while my husband attended a school. I wrote about TOMS Shoes again, it is my #2 most visited post overall. We celebrated Valentine's day apart. Finally, I threw a really fun bridal shower for my best friend!
I participated in a a wedding ring link-up which became my #3 most visited post overall! I expressed my distaste with the entertainment industry, talked about my words, went to California then back to the east coast, and finally sold my car.
I was delighted that we got to spend a whirlwind day in NYC & New Jersey before PCSing... especially visiting Carlo's Bakery! I filled out the milSpouse survey, told you in detail about our CRAZY 24hr PCS adventure, then about my first week in Hawaii, and introduced my first "skinnie secret."
Osama Bin Laden was killed and I wrote my feelings down about the subject. We went to the Spam Jam, I whined about finding a house, shared the 100 Work-out and talked about stretched out pony-tails (I did find ones that work, it will be on my to-post list!), and discussed the hotel life.
I shared about the Memorial Day Color Guard Services and my not knowing TAPS had words. We moved into the apartment from hell (we didn't know it at the time) and went without internet for almost 2wks. I did manage to get a guest post to Allie. Then we found out it was the apartment from hell... I answered your questions. The toilet broke, my spirit broke, I ended up in the ER.
This month was not a truly happy month for me... but it is part of my life, part of my story, my journey. I shared about our 4th of July and told about the Dr.'s advice. I participated in my first and last all dressed up. We went to the State Fair, Hiked Diamond Head, and visited Sea Life Park. I wrote another guest post and I shared my 2nd "skinnie secret." Our living situation wasn't getting any better and the Doctor's couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, 3-5 nights a week I would become so sick I couldn't sleep or eat.
We went to the PCC despite me being sick. I got to meet-up with my first blogger! I finally shared with you all about my panic attacks.
Between my health issues, the apartment issues, and the (then) upcoming deployment... moving on base was a blessing. I ran huge giveaway celebrating my 25th birthday! We went on a CREDO Marriage Enrichment Retreat.
I got a job and volunteered for the base haunted house. My parents came to visit, it was wonderful having them around.
My anxiety issues snuck out once again, so not fun. I attended the Joint Spouses Conference and the 236th Marine Corps Ball. We celebrated Thankmus and I discussed rental homes.
My husband deployed, I traveled home and forgot a lot of things in the process, and tried not to feel sorry for myself at Christmas.
It's been a year of ups and downs... too many changes to count... tons of travel... and a lot of time at the doctors office with not as many answers as we'd like. I feel like I am getting better and then all of a sudden I'll have a panic attack in the middle of the night out of nowhere. I miss my husband terribly and he won't be back until well into this coming year, it's going to take a lot for me to hold everything together while trying to "fix" myself as far as my stress/anxiety levels go. But... 2012 is here now, there will be good and bad days and I'll do my best to focus on the positives!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do
not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you
Joshua 1:9